NXT Level Up Results – October 4th, 2024

Adriana Rizzo (w/ Luca and Stacks) vs. Lainey Reid

Stacks slips some money to Blake on his way to the ring. Luca and Stacks join the commentary team as we learn they have a business deal with Blake. Rizzo bangs Reids’s head off the mat and slams her down again. Dropkick from Rizzo! She throws right hands in the corner as the crowd counts along, but Reid slips out underneath and drops Rizzo on the top buckle. Codebreaker to the arm from Reid! She continues to work the arm and gets a hammerlock. She sends Rizzo shoulder first into the corner and does it a second time. Hammerlock slam! Cool! I always liked that move. I am digging the arm work from Reid here. Rizzo counters another trip into the corner and gets a roll-up for two, but Reid takes her down by the arm again. Reid gets a series of two counts and goes to an armbar. Rizzo avoids a splash in the corner and gets a backdrop. She mounts her comeback with one arm and gets a Northern Lights Suplex. She springs off the bottom rope and gets a clothesline. Reid bails to the apron and lands a knee to the arm. She springs/rolls off the top into a cross-body, but Rizzo rolls through for a two count. Twisting suplex from Reid gets two! Rizzo escapes a hammerlock slam and gets a roll-up for two. Rizzo bounces off the ropes after the kick out and hits a Taste of Rizz-otto for the pin at 5:42.

Winner: Adriana Rizzo

Related Links:
Gallery: World Wrestling Entertainment > Event Digitals > NXT Level Up > 2024 > October 4th
Gallery: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > NXT Level Up > 2024 > October 4th


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