WWE NXT Results – April 9th, 2024

WWE NXT Results – April 9th, 2024

We then head to the back, where Charlie Dempsey comments on competing at Bloodsport. Dempsey says their situation with their friends is getting sorted. Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo and The Family then interrupt and tensions rise, setting the stage for a match.

Tag Team Match: No Quarter Catch Crew (Myles Borne and Damon Kemp) vs. The Family (Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo and Luca Crusifino)

The match starts off with The Family taking control early on. The Family then hits some double-team offense on the No Quarter Catch Crew. Dempsey then saves Borne from a cannonball, which leads to Stacks crashing into the corner. Borne then takes the fight to Stacks. Kemp then hits Stacks with an inverted suplex. Borne and Kemp then double-team Stacks. Crusifino then tags in and takes control with a flurry of offense. Dempsey then tries to interfere, but Stacks takes him out. The Family then hits a flapjack-codebreaker combination on Kemp for the win.

Winners: The Family

Related Links:
Gallery: World Wrestling Entertainment > Event Digitals > WWE NXT > 2024 > April 9th
Gallery: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > WWE NXT > 2024 > April 9th

Stand & Deliver 2024 Results

Stand & Deliver 2024 Results

“The Don Of NXT” Tony D’Angelo is then shown in his locker room with the rest of his family as he is preparing for his WWE NXT Championship Match against Ilja Dragunov later this afternoon.

WWE NXT Championship Match: “The Mad Dragon” Ilja Dragunov (c) vs. The D’Angelo Family’s “The Don Of NXT” Tony D’Angelo

The match starts off with both men spilling to the outside twice. Both men then trade clotheslines and strikes in the middle of the ring. Dragunov then goes for a move, but buckles under the pressure of his injured hand. D’Angelo then takes advantage with a Superman Punch. Dragunov then goes for a move through the ropes, but can’t complete it due to his finger hurting. D’Angelo then hits a Gut-wrench Suplex on Dragunov and both men crash and fall to the outside of the ring.

Dragunov then delivers a few chops to D’Angelo, but hits the steel ring post on the final chop. D’Angelo then slams Dragunov back-first into the ring post. Dragunov then drops D’Angelo on his back on the outside. Both men then re-enter the ring and Dragunov hits a series of German Suplexes on D’Angelo. Dragunov then hits a pop-up Enziguiri on D’Angelo followed by a running knee for a two count. Dragunov then hits D’Angelo with a clothesline for a near fall. Dragunov then goes for a Sunset Flip Bomb off the top rope, but instead hits a power bomb on D’Angelo halfway across the ring. Dragunov then goes for the H-Bomb, but D’Angelo stands up to prevent it. Stacks then hands D’Angelo some brass knucks, but D’Angelo hands them back to Stacks. Dragunov then stomps on Stacks’ hands.

Dragunov then lands a bunch of chops on D’Angelo in the corner before hitting him with forearms to the back of his head. Dragunov then does it once more in front of Stacks’ face as he is daring Stacks to do something about it, but D’Angelo tells Stacks to stand down. D’Angelo then hits a headbutt on Dragunov before nailing him with a Thesz Press. Dragunov then hits two kicks on D’Angelo, but they didn’t seem to faze him. Dragunov then hits a suplex and a belly-to-belly on D’Angelo.

Dragunov then hits a kick to D’Angelo’s head, but D’Angelo stops Dragunov’s momentum with a Lariat. D’Angelo then hits a German Suplex on Dragunov as Dragunov clutches his fingers. D’Angelo then hits a huge throw on Dragunov off the top rope, sending him out of the ring on the opposite side. Both men then both clear the announce tables. Both men then trade shots in front of the Spanish Announce table. D’Angelo then goes for a powerbomb, but Dragunov hits him with an H-Bomb. Dragunov then places D’Angelo on the Spanish Announce table and climbs on the ringside barricade. Dragunov then hits an H-Bomb on D’Angelo to break the table. Dragunov then sends D’Angelo back in the ring. Dragunov then hits a Senton on D’Angelo off the top rope for a near fall. D’Angelo then stomps on Dragunov’s hand and then Curb Stomps him with Dragunov’s mouth on the second rope. D’Angelo then hits a Uranage on Dragunov for a near fall. Both men then trade slaps until D’Angelo gets a near fall with a roll-up. Dragunov then hits Torpedo Moscow on D’Angelo. Dragunov then climbs to the top rope and hits a Super H-Bomb to D’Angelo for the win.

Winner: Ilja Dragunov

Related Links:
Gallery: World Wrestling Entertainment > Event Digitals > Premium Live Events > 2024 > Stand & Deliver
Gallery: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Premium Live Events > 2024 > Stand & Deliver

WWE NXT Results – March 26th, 2024

WWE NXT Results – March 26th, 2024

Ilja Dragunov vs. Channing Lorenzo w/Adriana Rizzo

Lorenzo blocks a Running Boot from Dragunov. Lorenzo with two haymakers. Dragunov applies a wrist lock. Dragunov with boxing elbows. Dragunov ducks a clothesline from Lorenzo. Lorenzo blocks The German Suplex. Dragunov goes for The O’Connor Roll, but Lorenzo holds onto the ropes. Lorenzo dropkicks Dragunov. Lorenzo is raining down haymakers in the corner. Lorenzo with a short-arm clothesline. Dragunov unloads three knife edge chops. Lorenzo answers with a forearm smash. Lorenzo dodges The Step Up Enzuigiri. Lorenzo with a Running Uppercut. Lorenzo is putting the boots to Dragunov. Lorenzo slams Dragunov’s head on the top turnbuckle pad.

Lorenzo with a straight right hand. Lorenzo goes for a Corner Mount, but Dragunov counters with a PowerBomb. Lorenzo kicks Dragunov in the face. Lorenzo stomps on the right hand of Dragunov. Dragunov HeadButts Lorenzo. Dragunov with a knife edge chop. Lorenzo drops Dragunov with The Tornado DDT for a two count. Lorenzo works on his joint manipulation game. Lorenzo with a knee drop. Lorenzo viciously attacks the right hand of Dragunov. Lorenzo drops his knee on the right hand of Dragunov. Dragunov responds with a back fist. Dragunov with a Leaping Boot. Dragunov with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Dragunov follows that with a Release German Suplex. Dragunov PowerBombs Lorenzo. Dragunov connects with The Torpedo Moscow to pickup the victory.

Winner: Ilja Dragunov

Related Links:
Gallery: World Wrestling Entertainment > Event Digitals > WWE NXT > 2024 > March 26th
Gallery: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > WWE NXT > 2024 > March 26th

WWE NXT Results – March 19th, 2024

WWE NXT Results – March 19th, 2024

Tony D’Angelo, Ilja Dragunov Talk NXT Stand & Deliver

We head to another commercial break. When we return, we see a quick check-in with Gigi Dolin backstage. We then return inside the CWC where Tony D’Angelo and The Family make their way out to the ring.

“Da Don” talks about Luca Crusafino being the brains in The Family to go with their muscle. He says now that that’s out of the way, it’s time to address Ilja Dragunov and Stand & Deliver. He talks about respecting him but says he has no clue what he’s capable of.

Dragunov appears on the big screen and brings up D’Angelo leaving him on a bridge. D’Angelo warns him that there’s a lot more he can do between now and April 6 in Philly. He announces Stacks vs. Dragunov for next week.

Related Links:
Gallery: World Wrestling Entertainment > Event Digitals > WWE NXT > 2024 > March 19th
Gallery: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > WWE NXT > 2024 > March 19th

WWE NXT Results – March 12th, 2024

WWE NXT Results – March 12th, 2024

The Family sitting around at a restaraunt. They talk about their new member Luca Crusafino and how they got Trick Williams to do what he did last week in the main event. As they continue to talk, up walks the NXT Champion Ilja Dragunov, who takes a seat at their table.

Dragunov tells him that no matter what he does, the NXT Championship is going to stay with him. Tony D’Angelo tells him that no matter what happens here, The Don likes you. Dragunov asks what he means. On that note, the other members of The Family attack him from behind and drag him off somewhere as D’Angelo calmly pays the bill, puts his hat on and leaves.

Now we watch as D’Angelo catches up with The Family, who indicate that Dragunov is in the trunk of their car. He says, “Let’s take a ride,” and they all drive off in that car.

We catch up with The Family, who have driven WWE NXT Champion Ilja Dragunov out to a bridge. Tony D’Angelo tells Dragunov that he’s made the drive to this bridge 100 times, and he always walks back alone.

He says this isn’t one of those times. Dragunov tells D’Angelo he needs to know something about him. He always finds a way to win — no matter what. D’Angelo tells Dragunov to have a fun walk home and he drives off with The Family as we head into another commercial break.

Related Links:
Gallery: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > WWE NXT > 2024 > March 12th


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