Category: Premium Live Events

NXT Halloween Havoc 2024 Results

NXT Halloween Havoc 2024 Results

Tony D’Angelo (c) vs. Oba Femi in a Tables, Ladders and Scares Match for the North American Championship

The bell rings and D’Angelo goes straight after Femi, interrupting the ring announcement. The action spills out of the ring and the pair begin brawling, but D’Angelo spears Femi through the barricade near the timekeeper’s area and grabs a ladder from under the ring. He sets it up between the ring apron and announce desk, and Femi throws several chairs in the ring. D’Angelo throws one at his head, but Femi sends him crashing onto one with a chokeslam.

Femi hits D’Angelo with a chair, then hits him in the midsection with it repeatedly. He traps D’Angelo in the corner using a ladder and wears him down, then sets up a ladder in the corner and sends him crashing on top of it. Femi grabs a table from under the ring and sets it up in the adjacent corner from where he sets up the ladder before sending D’Angelo crashing through it.

Femi uses a crowbar to wear down D’Angelo with a crossface, but D’Angelo fights his way out of it. Femi clocks him from behind, but D’Angelo responds with a back body drop and sends him crashing on top of a chair. D’Angelo pulls a table from under the ring and sets it up in the corner, then sends D’Angelo crashing into the mat.

The Family runs down to the ring, but Femi takes down Luca Crusifino and Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo. Adriana Rizzo slides in the ring to check on D’Angelo, but Femi stares her down. Rizzo grabs a crowbar, but Femi takes it from her. D’Angelo sends him crashing through the ladder he had set up between the ring apron and announce desk. Femi turns D’Angelo inside out with a clothesline and follows it up with a powerbomb. He goes for a pin, but D’Angelo kicks out. Rizzo clocks Femi from behind, and Crusifno and Stacks follow it up with a Shatter Machine to him using a chair. D’Angelo then sends Femi crashing through the table with a spinebuster for the win.

Winner (and still): Tony D’Angleo

Related Links:
Gallery: World Wrestling Entertainment > Event Digitals > Premium Live Events > 2024 > Halloween Havoc
Gallery: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Premium Live Events > 2024 > Halloween Havoc

Stand & Deliver 2024 Results

Stand & Deliver 2024 Results

“The Don Of NXT” Tony D’Angelo is then shown in his locker room with the rest of his family as he is preparing for his WWE NXT Championship Match against Ilja Dragunov later this afternoon.

WWE NXT Championship Match: “The Mad Dragon” Ilja Dragunov (c) vs. The D’Angelo Family’s “The Don Of NXT” Tony D’Angelo

The match starts off with both men spilling to the outside twice. Both men then trade clotheslines and strikes in the middle of the ring. Dragunov then goes for a move, but buckles under the pressure of his injured hand. D’Angelo then takes advantage with a Superman Punch. Dragunov then goes for a move through the ropes, but can’t complete it due to his finger hurting. D’Angelo then hits a Gut-wrench Suplex on Dragunov and both men crash and fall to the outside of the ring.

Dragunov then delivers a few chops to D’Angelo, but hits the steel ring post on the final chop. D’Angelo then slams Dragunov back-first into the ring post. Dragunov then drops D’Angelo on his back on the outside. Both men then re-enter the ring and Dragunov hits a series of German Suplexes on D’Angelo. Dragunov then hits a pop-up Enziguiri on D’Angelo followed by a running knee for a two count. Dragunov then hits D’Angelo with a clothesline for a near fall. Dragunov then goes for a Sunset Flip Bomb off the top rope, but instead hits a power bomb on D’Angelo halfway across the ring. Dragunov then goes for the H-Bomb, but D’Angelo stands up to prevent it. Stacks then hands D’Angelo some brass knucks, but D’Angelo hands them back to Stacks. Dragunov then stomps on Stacks’ hands.

Dragunov then lands a bunch of chops on D’Angelo in the corner before hitting him with forearms to the back of his head. Dragunov then does it once more in front of Stacks’ face as he is daring Stacks to do something about it, but D’Angelo tells Stacks to stand down. D’Angelo then hits a headbutt on Dragunov before nailing him with a Thesz Press. Dragunov then hits two kicks on D’Angelo, but they didn’t seem to faze him. Dragunov then hits a suplex and a belly-to-belly on D’Angelo.

Dragunov then hits a kick to D’Angelo’s head, but D’Angelo stops Dragunov’s momentum with a Lariat. D’Angelo then hits a German Suplex on Dragunov as Dragunov clutches his fingers. D’Angelo then hits a huge throw on Dragunov off the top rope, sending him out of the ring on the opposite side. Both men then both clear the announce tables. Both men then trade shots in front of the Spanish Announce table. D’Angelo then goes for a powerbomb, but Dragunov hits him with an H-Bomb. Dragunov then places D’Angelo on the Spanish Announce table and climbs on the ringside barricade. Dragunov then hits an H-Bomb on D’Angelo to break the table. Dragunov then sends D’Angelo back in the ring. Dragunov then hits a Senton on D’Angelo off the top rope for a near fall. D’Angelo then stomps on Dragunov’s hand and then Curb Stomps him with Dragunov’s mouth on the second rope. D’Angelo then hits a Uranage on Dragunov for a near fall. Both men then trade slaps until D’Angelo gets a near fall with a roll-up. Dragunov then hits Torpedo Moscow on D’Angelo. Dragunov then climbs to the top rope and hits a Super H-Bomb to D’Angelo for the win.

Winner: Ilja Dragunov

Related Links:
Gallery: World Wrestling Entertainment > Event Digitals > Premium Live Events > 2024 > Stand & Deliver
Gallery: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Premium Live Events > 2024 > Stand & Deliver